About me...

“Technology, like art, is a soaring exercise of the human imagination." - Daniel Bell

Hello! My name is Javier Alberto Zavaleta. I was born and raised in New York City with a passion and curiosity for knowledge.
I come from a Latino family where my parents gave me the opportunity for a better life with their sacrifices.

A proud graduate of New York City College of Technology and owner of a bachelor degree in the Computer Engineering field. But even with those accolades I believe you never stop learning, just like in Engineering there always something new. I'm the type of person that is willing to continue learning and because of this you can always find me trying to figure out the next big thing.

My passion for technology started early, around the time many we're figuring out their passions I turned to the tech industry and never turned away. While I have had my stumbles on my road, I never questioned the things I loved, technology. Now as an adult you find me working on projects or just trying to sharpen my skills in the programming field. So let's connect and share the connection we have in this industry.