Product Landing Page

A project created to complete a freeCodeCamp task. The purpose of this website was to create a landing page with the idea of selling a product/service. It includes an email form that requires an input. It also has a direct youtube video followed by three boxed with different prices alligned horizontally.

HTML email

Project created for practice purposes. HTML email template that is suppose to display a Macys email commercial.

Profile Demo Page

A project created to complete a freeCodeCamp task. This project was created to teach the student how to built a protoype profile and to allow the connection of networking profiles such as Linkedin and GitHub.

Palindrome Checker

Palindrome Checker that returns TRUE if the word or sentence that's spelled the same way both forward and backward, other wise it returns FALSE.

Business Demo Page

An example of a business page created for practice pruposes.

More Projects

I am always working on updating new projects with different languages as I continue to expand my knowledge as an aspiring software developer. Feel to check out my activities!